Each day - all day ! - passes by with one single thought in mind : coconuts, lots of tropical fish and pink sand tickling around my toes!!.....I have a feeling that I'm not the only one thinking like this...so I decided to dedicate this posts series to us, the I - have - to - spend - August - in the city - tribe (!).
I really loved the idea of a board where you can collect literally everything that can create an atmosphere around a certain something and inspire you. Things like scripts, art pieces, scrapbooks, music, fabrics....( some designers' mood boards are exceptional
works of art !!)
So here is the thought: to create a post series around a specific theme and inspire you to make your everyday a little brighter, care free and cultivate some aesthetics....( I 'm one of those who get inspired by a movie they enjoyed very much and then search for its colours in their closet or that recipe of ragou they were eating at that bistro scene or this song that was playing in the end...maybe you think I 'm crazy but it sure makes my day!!! )
To conclude..... yohanna is about to get tropical for the following days!! I leave you with this playlist that make me feel like lying under a coconut tree, drinking cocktails and looking at carribean blue as fas as the eye can see:
y ❤
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